There are so many scientists. They are discovering vitamin value from foodstuff. Now, what is the vitamin value in the dry grass? If there is no vitamin value in dry grass, how the cow is producing so much milk that is full of vitamins A and D? Nowadays the physician prescribes some artificial vitamins for maintaining your body. It is God's wish. Is there any brain of the human being who can produce fruits, grains, milk? They're very great scientist. Now let them produce. By scientific process, why don't you transform grass into milk? Can any machine produce milk from a little grass? The cow is eating grass and delivering the milk. So for everything, the law of Krishna, or law of God, is working. If you think, "Oh, then a dry grass and straw contain all vitamins. Let me eat," you will die. It is God's desire that the cow eats the dry grass and it gives so nutritious, full of vitamins milk. But the same dry grass, if a woman eats, she will die. Therefore it is the plan of the Supreme that the cow, by eating dry grass, she can deliver nicely. It is not on the dry grass she is producing milk; it is the will of God that is producing it. Dry grass is not the cause of vitamins; otherwise you could eat also the dry grass instead of purchasing vitamin pills.
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