Monday, October 10, 2011

Srila Prabhupada Nectar

Srila Prabhupada Nectar

Srila Prabhupada Nectar

Guidance comes from the Supersoul

Krishna is always within us, and consequently He knows everything about our purposes, and He gives us the opportunity to work as we decide. If we decide to enjoy this material world, Krishna gives us the intelligence to become a very shrewd businessman or a popular politician or a cunning man so that we can earn money and enjoy ourselves. According to the standards of material life, many people are becoming great. They begin as very poor men and soon, by good fortune, become millionaires. We should not think that they are attaining such success by their own puny endeavors. Without intelligence, no one can improve, and that intelligence is given by Krishna. One person can sharply remember past activities by the grace of the Lord while others cannot. One is highly intelligent by the grace of the Lord, and one is a fool by the same control. One cannot do anything unless he is enlightened and empowered by the Lord. In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna states that He is seated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul and that by His will a man can remember or forget. Krishna supplies forgetfulness and remembrance according to the living entity's desire. If we want to forget Krishna and enjoy the material world, He will give us the necessary intelligence so that we can forget Him for good. When one is very serious about getting out of this material entanglement, the Lord, from within, gives him the knowledge that he has to surrender unto Him. He is so kind to His devotees that He gives them instructions by which they may continue to progress. When they receive instructions from the all-perfect, there is no chance of their being misled. Then there is liberation.

Elevation to Ecstasy

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Srila Prabhupada Nectar

Srila Prabhupada Nectar

Srila Prabhupada Nectar

The Journey of Self Discovery - Ebook

Hare Krishna

Hope you are doing great! This month we have got this very special E-Book – “The Journey of Self Discovery” for you which you can download right away.

The Journey of Self-Discovery is your guide to a new way of looking at life, a way proven to lead you to higher levels of awareness and satisfaction.In The Journey of Self-Discovery you will become intimately acquainted with a spiritual master about whom Harvey Cox, of Harvard's School of Divinity, said, "Srila Prabhupada is, of course, only one of thousands of teachers. But in another sense, he is one in a thousand, maybe one in a million." According to Dr. Cox, one of America's leading Christian theologians, Srila Prabhupada's life was "pointed proof that one can be a transmitter of truth and still be a vital and singular person."

The real key to happiness and satisfaction, Srila Prabhupada explains, is discovering the eternal personal link between ourselves and the Superconsciousness. This state is called Krishna consciousness, and in The Journey of Self-Discovery you will learn how to achieve this, the highest and most pleasurable consciousness, in your own life.

The Book can be downloaded from the below link.

What is that joyfulness?

People think, "I can enjoy this material world very nicely. Everyone is having such a good time. There is no reason I can't enjoy myself as much as they." This idea is illusion because there is no real enjoyment in the material world. We may be very good-looking, famous, well educated, wealthy and powerful, and we may have a very beautiful wife and children and hold the highest position in the country—but at any moment we are subject to be shot down. This is the nature of this world. There is no question of having pleasure without impediments. Even when the pleasures are earned after a great deal of struggle and sacrifice, they are temporary. In this material world there is no pleasure that can give us constant and unending enjoyment. One has to understand he is not the material body. Then one immediately becomes joyful. Just like if you are implicated in some undesirable affair and your lawyer advises, "Oh, you are free from this implication. The law does not bind you," you feel pleasure, "Oh, I'm free from this implication?" "Yes," similarly, as soon as one is convinced that "I am not this material body," then immediately he becomes joyful. What is that joyfulness? There is no hankering, no lamentation. Only Krishna can give us that. Therefore Krishna instructs in Bhagavad-gita that it is the welfare of every living entity to give up this material activity and just surrender unto Him, He will give protection from all sinful reactions. Unfortunately, people are so attracted by the glitter of material nature that they cannot do it. People always fear that by surrendering to Krishna they will lose something but Krishna is so kind that if He takes anything away, He will reward us a thousand-fold.